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Sunday, December 13, 2015

That Chest Pain I Had Wasn't A Heart Attack, But Made Me Think

That Chest Pain I Had Wasn't A Heart Attack, But Made Me Think - Video

Last night I had what was a massive chest pain and I was so scared I thought it was a heart attack - thankfully it was not. It was due to gas but it made me think about a lot of things. I thought about how cool it was to have folks in my life I knew for a long time. I thought about how I am here with my Mom most of the time and to keep her company as she is elderly, but it's also great because I am with someone who knows me. I can't explain how important family is, expect ally for black men. You need a base of people who know and love you as a counter to the really racist bad people out there. One day I all have a great wife but I can say I am not divorced from a bad one. This life is about knowing the difference between who you want to be your friend and who your friends are. Know that. A lot of people don't. That is all.


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