The Time Square bomber Faisal Shahzad is being cooperative with investigators and is a treasure trove of information as was the trail he left.
There are many questions that of course leave New Yorkers wondering for instance how did he buy a one way ticket in cash and even get on an airplane to Dubai let alone anywhere else. Remember Sept. 11, the 2nd terrorist attack at the World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan? Apparently the person who took his money did not remember Sept. 11 or to check the no fly list which supposedly his name had been entered on that morning. When someone purchases a one way ticket to Dubai no less it is certainly a red light...yes? It was also reported he had a gun in his car parked in the lot of the airport. How did he purchase that gun?
I am an artist and I consider my life performance art. I am an emotional nudist. I let it all hang out and usually like a stand up comic. Example: When mayor Mike Bloomberg says "progress" he means get the moving van! When I read The New York Times front page article on the trail Faisal Shahzad left, I could not help feeling alarmed as in "TMI"...TOO MUCH INFORMATION!!!! I am glad the powers that be held back just a little but does the press really need access to almost all inside information to share with us and the terrorists reading these articles?
In the meantime New York City apparently is the hot spot for terror attacks and wannabe terrorists eager to make a name for themselves like a serial killers on a bigger scale but we, NYC, can't seem to get the support of The White House for the Federal funding that we have more than proven with how many thousands of people mass murdered, destruction of Lower Manhattan yet to be rebuilt and I will leave out the economy because here in NYC, I blame that collapse of our economy on the greed, stupidity and arrogance of Wall Street and the mayor's reckless equally arrogant, greedy, reckless tsunami of community crushing development along with some of the greediest, arrogant self serving politicians that are suppose to be representing the people of New York rather than their self serving agendas and egos.
One example currently in play is the fact Albany has still not balanced the budget which was suppose to be done April 1. The accusations that Pedro Espada has stolen $14 million dollars of tax payer money, and the successfully prosecution of one city council member Miguel Martinez, Larry Seabrook's senior staff and Kendall Stewar's for stealing tax payer and on going investigation in to some city council members that I am praying will bring high profile arrests at City Hall. I can't blame the terrorist for the bad economy -- that is self-inflicted.
The Time Square bomber is singing and that is good but The White House has to wake up and give NYC, the number one hot spot, the support we need.
CES 2025, Here I Come!
YouTube video link: Presents: CES 2025, Here I Come! . A vlog by the YouTube
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