Dean Zerbe, a former staffer at the Senate Finance Committee-- asks what does this say to the average New Yorker?
Harde har har, hilarious.......
I copied the text below from the article -- when Dean Zerbe says they should look very hard -- is that like the NYPD looking hard in the other direction when it comes to not ticketing cars illegally parked for "the rich' aka 'above the law" parked in front of The Mercer Hotel where it says no parking - loading and unloading? Does anyone know when the SEC is going to make a ruling on whether Steve Rattner is going to be banned for 3 years? Has anyone learned the name of Steve's new firm managing Mike's billions for charity that some say is to buy good will in case he runs for President although all say he has zero chance of winning.
For those that do not know Steve Rattner is a money manger for Mike Bloomberg and it was not considered a conflict of interest that his company Quadrangle get involved in pensions here in NY but oops it blew up in Steve Rattner's face with pay to play scandals but no splish splash on to Teflon Mike Bloomberg. Rattner did have to step down from his job at The White House rescuing the auto industry and Rattner thinks you will buy his book and read how he rescued the auto industry before he had to step down to spend more time with his family here in NYC! Hardee har Mike Bloomberg family?
Below from the article:
“Is (using the loophole) allowable under the law? Yes,” said tax expert Dean Zerbe, a former staffer at the Senate Finance Committee. “Is it something that is a best practice, particularly by an elected official? I think they should look very hard when they are engaging in this kind of activity. What does it say to the average New Yorker?”
The foundation’s tax returns indicate that Mr. Rattner’s team migrated much of its money to large hedge funds with ostensible island charters, including several in the Caymans, two of which list an address at P.O. Box 309 of the Ugland House, a building that “houses” an estimated 12,000 to 18,000 foreign businesses.
Found this article here....