Oakland- Bay Area Women In Black v. SF Voice For Israel Pt 2 - Video
Oakland- Bay Area Women In Black v. SF Voice For Israel Pt 2 (Part Two) Each Saturday morning on the corner of Grand Avenue and Lake Park, and in front of the historic Grand Lake Theater, two groups stage a protest against U.S policies in Iraq and The Mid East, and against each other. I titled this "Oakland Culture War" because that's really what it is. Two groups of people who -- even though some may not live in Oakland -- picked this corner in Oakland to protest, and who have such differing views on The Mid East, they have agreed to stand away from each other, on opposite sides of the street to avoid arguing. After walking by these groups and saying nothing -- like everyone else -- I decided to take camcorder in hand and get information. The video contains some very interesting information, particularly by SF Voice for Israel. What was also of note, and comes out in the video, is how the Bay Area Women Against War seem afraid to talk to the camera, while SF Voice for Israel's people seem very happy to have a camera present, all the better to communicate their issues. You can see the entire article with the video at Oakland Focus. (less) - vlog produced by Zennie Abraham Zennie62 Blog http://ift.tt/1d6iMwr - youtube video
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