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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Vanity Fair Articles Cuomo regretted Rattner immunization by Suzannah B. Troy

The New York Post just came out with this article.  Click the link below....
I posted this comment....

Suzannah B. Troy
08/05/2010 5:21 PM
If you read the Vanity Fair piece on Rattner (Lady Gaga on the cover) you learn that Cuomo regretted making a deal with Rattner giving him immunization from prosecution in exchange for information. Cuomo felt Rattner was with holding info. If Cuomo had not made the deal I believe Rattner would heading to jail and even he and Mike Bloomberg could not continue to deny, deny deny... Denial is the new crack cocaine from The White House were they made Rattner Car Czar to Albany to City Hall. Rangel, Rattner, Bloomberg, Espada, Monserrate, Christine Quinn, Seabrook, Arroyo family just to name a few deny deny deny because denial is the new crack cocaine for politicos.

Watch my new Tube from Yesterday: House of Bloomberg a tumblin down....Rattner pleads the 5th, rumor is Rattner pleaded the 5th amendment over and over and this was with the Security Exchange Commission who Rattner is hoping will not ban him for 3 years.

Of course Mike Bloomberg continues to stand by his man, Steve Rattner and they are both in denial.  The Vanity Fair article barely touches on King Mike but they have an entire section of 
Denial to describe Steve Rattner! 

Mayor Mike Bloomberg sympathetic to Guiliani by Suzannah B. Troy

Does mayor Bloomberg have any sympathy for the people that he has helped developers like Columbia University and Bruce Rattner to mass displace? Thanks to Caroline for wearing an NYU shirt which conveyed the message to me that NYU has been stealing up our communities where ever NYU occupies property from Stuy Town that was meant to be affordable housing to the East Village which NYU mega dormed to death to the West Village, to South St. Seaport to Brooklyn.  Mike has not been exposed for pulling a Rudy in terms of having an affair with a subordinate at City Hall and giving his than mistress raises including a huge one when he dumped for his judi, far less attractive than Donna but both Rudy and Mike have robbed the tax payers of New York big time.

The NY Post exposed the mayor's administrative assistants "double dipping" a must read if you haven't read that article giving these gals over 200,000 each plus the post estimates Mike is costing or robbing tax payers 2 million for his campaign staff so I am sure he is sympathetic to everyone but the people who truly deserve it -- the people of NYC!  At least the city was in better shape under Rudy; now it's falling a part and looks like a bad xerox of Dubai.  When Cooper Union tried their shady unethical real estate deals under Rudy his city planner not a socialite like Amanda the peoples' Burden said no to Cooper Union, supersizing - busting through zoning and leasing for 99 years is a shell game.  For these guys and I am including Steve Rattner, Charlie Rangel, denial is the new crack cocaine.  Impeach Bloomberg and his mini-me Christine Quinn.

Oh and look at this  comment not by me -- I guess Bloomberg is trying to figure out more ways to make people unemployed like ticketing vendors and almost every body possible that is not rich!
08/05/2010 3:45 PM
Does Bloomberg have any Sympathy for the 2.2 Million People Unemployed in New York City...Just something 2 Think about

You see, NYU is the Bernie Maddoff of real estate.  NYU made off with our neighborhoods!

Artists wanted for protest Union Square post by Suzannah B. Troy

Dear Blog Readers:  I got this YouTube and a message from a dynamic artist Miriam.  This is her YouTube and you can visit her channel to see more and learn more about her struggle.  She is part of an artist movement fighting for the basic right to display their art.  Their 1st Amendment right is being violated.  Please if you can come out Saturday morning to protest in any way shape or form please do.  The artist that sent me has been ticketed up to here eye balls like so many New Yorkers that are struggling to survive.  In her case she wrote the Commissioner of The Parks Dept. and the excessive tickets and what I would call "wrong ticketing" will be dismissed.   I can't urge New Yorkers enough to fight the tickets.  I know part of the strategy is to eat up our time but if you can find the time and energy to fight wrong ticketing the odds are in your favor to get the tickets thrown out.   Please show up if you feel you can.  If you can't please spread the word.

Note from a brave artist, Miriam West and the YouTube channel and tube posted above is hers!

"A few of us artists are trying to get people to come out to union square park on wednesdays and saturdays with a display only stand or just a sign to let people know what's going on. here's a link to a video i took today of my display only stand. please feel free to put the link out there - we need all the help and bodies we can get!"

Please listen to YouTube and if you can show up anytime Saturday starting at 10AM thank you.

Please spread the word.

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