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Thursday, September 20, 2018

Christine Blazey Ford Deserves FBI Investigation In The Brett Kavanaugh Accusation

Christine Blazey Ford Deserves FBI Investigation In The Brett Kavanaugh Accusation - Video

Christine Blazey Ford Deserves FBI Investigation In The Brett Kavanaugh Accusation The selection of a Supreme Court Justice is something that must be done and gotten right. Over the past 40 years, America has evolved and perfected a system of evaluating candidates such that every aspect of that person’s life is considered. The last big test of that system came when Clarence Thomas was accused of sexual harassment by Anita Hill. Hill was accused of actions in the workplace that were terrible. But none of them rise to where we are today: Brett Kavanaugh is being accused of rape. That is a serious claim that should draw FBI investigation before any vote is taken. Christine Blazey Ford deserves to see an FBI Investigation In The Brett Kavanaugh Accusation, and so does America. If Brett Kavanaugh believes he has nothing to hide, he too would back such an investigation. Stay tuned.


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