Dear Neighbor,
I wanted to give you an update on some of the work being done by The Coalition for a New Village Hospital since the exciting victory at Community Board 2 last month where the Board passed a resolution to lock the land.
First, please save the date and I hope you will join us on Monday August 16th at 10am for a press conference on recent developments in our effort to get a hospital back at the site of St. Vincent's. We will be sending more information shortly on location.
Finally, we will be sending a letter to Commissioner Daines signed by many community leaders and organizations calling on him to comply with Public Health Law and work to get a hospital back for our community.
We urge you to help us reach out to community organizations to sign this letter. We will be sending it out early next week. Please take a moment and contact any and all organizations such as tenant associations, block associations, political clubs, etc you are affiliated with to get them to sign on. Also we encourage you to sign on personally. To do so all you need to do is email us back or put in writing a request to be added to the letter. I am attaching here a link to the letter for you to read and to pass on to others.
Thank you as always for your ongoing efforts and support and look forward to seeing you this Monday at 10am.
In solidarity,
Zennie62 on YouTube
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
NY Post reports mayor Mike's popularity dropping post by Suzannah B. Troy
Read the article from The New York Post.... Below is my comment posted on their website.
Suzannah B. Troy
Suzannah B. Troy
08/10/2010 4:15 PM
Hilarious and an understatement! In May of last year I posted a YouTube about voter anger and how king Mike might not win. No newspaper including the Post would report on this, my poster lampooning him. My new YouTube predicts Mike is going to have a major meltdown with some news reporter very, very soon. Watch my new YouTube: Mayor Mike Bloomberg trial? Haggerty his Watergate + tax payer $ abuse = Mike Naomi walks away?. My blog piece "Mike Bloomberg trial?" about Haggerty being his Watergate and about Mike going to trial for campaign improprieties as well abuse of tax payer money and hopefully deputy Harris and Wolfson will be co-defendants you think or will Teflon Mike pull a double Naomi - temper tantrum and no jail time?
Cutest Dog in the subway by Suzannah B. Troy

The first thing I noticed was this young woman had a "fur arm rest" to protect her from carpal tunnel syndrome but than I realized that was a living breathing dog. This dog is so beautiful with such a beautiful face and doesn't seem to mind being used as an arm rest.
The two are inseperable and the dog is carried in a little shopping bag as opposed to a dog carrying case. Only in New York folks as Cindy Adams might say.
I love really big dogs and little dogs...this dog was beauteous.
One funny note....I was talking to a friend who pointed out a dog doing it's business and looking so embarrassed. It seems the more dogs spend time with humans the more they take own our foibles and humanity but mostly they take own the best part of humanity that we can only strive to be and mostly fail. They are so loving and so loyal. I can see why rich people clone their dogs.
Ditto for cats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My tour of The Animal Medical Center....
Coolest pet store in the East Village Whiskers...
dogs dog NYC Suzannah B. Troy
Mike Bloomberg trial? The YouTube by Suzannah B. Troy
Is the mayor King Mike Bloomberg going to pull a Naomi Campbell "double" meaning a major temper tantrum coming soon to a news reporter near Mike and even worse a trial? Why do I ask? Well first king Mike has been taking a beating in the press every day from his comments on the FDNY test to the Mosque by the WTC site which is as much an open wound in the heart of so many and literally still way behind in construction.
Here is just a small excerpt from the Mike Bloomberg Mosque speech...Mike Bloomberg said...
“Our doors are open to everyone. Everyone with a dream and a willingness to work hard and play by the rules. New York City was built by immigrants, and it's sustained by immigrants -- by people from more than 100 different countries speaking more than 200 different languages and professing every faith. And whether your parents were born here or you came here yesterday, you are a New Yorker."
But more than half of New Yorkers want Mike to put a sock in his mouth. Many believe in political freedom and open doors but the WTC is an open wound not near healing...body parts recently found and they want to know where the funding comes from where is a fair question. Mike disagrees but many of us want to know about Mike Bloomberg's Cayman Island investments and he says that is off limits too. I believe in religious freedom but I have to ask why would any religious group seek to cause so much pain which is what these Mosque builders are doing. If you want to heal there are ways to go about healing and building bridges and clearly the Mosque at this time is not the way.
Getting back to my question -- Mike Bloomberg on trial? Is this is his future and even if so will Teflon Mike be able to make like a super model and simply walk away? What inspired this question?
Read on -- Below was posted on my blog Was it some moron or a paid troll by Mike Bloomberg's corrupt staff harassing me this afternoon on my YouTube slamming Joyce Purnick.
The troll thinks I am jealous of Joyce Purnick and Mike Bloomberg. No, they are part of an exclusive corrupt club bent on keeping the truth from being told. His comment reminded me that if there is a trial down the road where Mike Bloomberg finally has to spill the beans than perhaps Joyce Purnick will be forced to testify. You read her phony piece of garbage posing as a bio on Mike Bloomberg she -- oops forgets to mention Steve Rattner was perhaps forced to step down from his job at The White House as Car Czar...he said and she wrote to spend more time with his family but we all believe because of the pay to play pension fund scandals that had splished splashed all the way to The White House so Steve Rattner had to go.
Is Mike Bloomberg considered "family" because Rattner spends an enormous amount of time with Bloomberg here in NYC and Bloomberg stands by his man even now despite Steve Rattner having to plead the 5th so many times that The NY Post listed him under their "Losers" list -- ouch! But that won't hurt Steve as much as the SEC actually banning him. Unlike Dave Patterson walking away when he should be preparing a defense for intimidating a victim of spousal abuse in to silence -- Rattner may not be able to walk away and...if he is banned than once again Mike Bloomberg is going to have to shift that darn 5 billion he uses for charity or to buy votes and favor -- as 3 million was exposed by The New York Times the other day.
So let us say because of conflicts of interest and Mike Bloomberg holding the purse strings to the DA's office -- that the trial had to moved -- kicked out and up to a higher court or Haggerty exposing something that even Bloomberg and friends like the other guys Steve Rattner money manages that happen to own major newspapers can't cover up or silence or simply not report -- than Bloomberg may no longer be Teflon Mike anymore....
It would be so wonderful to see Purnick forced to testify in court -- did she know that Rattner was being investigated and if so why did she not mention that in her puff piece posing as a book and her good pals, Mike's good pal and Steve Rattner best friend Arthur Sulzberger Jr./The New York Times helped plug Joyce's book -- that did point out one very important piece of evidence if their ever is a trial -- STEVE RATTNER URGED MIKE BLOOMBERG to run for a third term!
I am angry and disgusted -- I called it before anyone that the mayoral election may come with some big surprise and I was so right on - Bloomberg barely won and the media had to go off script and report the truth finally -- I was laughing watching them bumble it -- they were way ahead of themselves rushing to go to Bloomberg's campaign head quarters to celebrate and oops they had to go off script and finally report the truth and what I had reporting on YouTube all along!!!!!!

Watch this YouTube and look at the date -- way before the election and the media refused to cover my art work -- the work I did postering communities --
I tell you -- do not believe the story the press are telling you -- the people of New York are incredibly and that is one of many YouTubes I made! By the way all my YouTubes 334 at the time were all removed from YouTube a month and half before the election. My theory -- a paid troll hired by Bloomberg to harass and cyber stalk the anti-Bloomberg resistance on YouTube and the internet was also responsible for my hard work being entire body of work.
Look at the title of My YouTube - I called it predicted it and to date have gotten zero acknowledgement for this and my brilliant art poster lampooning Bloomberg. Jealous of an elite club of corrupt people that played dirty no way.... just very angry!
Don't believe the news, New Yorkers are angry & will not vote for BLOOMBERG!
House of Mike Bloomberg is a tumbling down...Steve Rattner pleads the 5th amendment over and over
I could see Mike being tried for campaign irregularities and also for abusing - misuse of tax payers money. So far Teflon Mike has the luck of super model Naomi Campbell.

Trial? What trial am I talking about? Well Mike on trial but first the question is is Mike Bloomberg's campaign irregularities so far exposed by the John Haggerty indictment going to turn out to be Mike Bloomberg's Watergate and if so I could see mayor Mike going to trial because of campaign irregularities as well as way too many daily exposes on how he is abusing tax payer money. He is not alone but he is the richest man in New York and the mayor so it looks really, really bad. Christine Quinn, Mike's mini me, has hired top defense attorneys for herself and her staff even approving Sullivan & Cromwell for some of her staff, a firm Goldman Sachs uses and tax payers have to pay for these top defense attorneys. No wonder city council and their staff have been so successful avoiding prosecution although Miguel Martinez to date is the only "honest" one -- honest enough to say he was stealing from the get go.
NFL Football and movie industry bloggers wanted for Zennie62

As the NFL and NCAA College Football season approaches, Zennie62 presents the best platform for you to blog about what's happening in football. We're also a growing entertainment blog network, with Zennie62, our Entertainment Business Blog, and blogs representing 11 different cities.
Zennie62 is an annual part of the press coverage at the NFL Draft in New York City. Zennie62 also covers movie events like Comic Con and Wonder Con, and attends the Academy Awards and is on the Academy / Oscar press list.
You can enjoy the visibility that comes with being a contributing blogger. And as Zennie62 is on the press lists of Hollywood and entertainment PR firms, you can find out what's happening in the industry. And if you work with us, you may wind up attending an event like the Comic Con Red Carpet for The Expendables with Sylvester Stallone.
Mike Bloomberg sneaks out of his town house to protest Animal Activists
Mike tends to use very, very big NYPD officers as a wall to literally make himself invisible and these Animal Activists let him have it for his push to gas geese which is suppose to be a very slow and cruel death by the way....
I heard there were so amazing hand made signs that did not make it to The New York Daily News.
Also from Animal Activists -- note the many warnings 2 legged New Yorkers have been given about heat advisories -- imagine if you are 4 legged and pulling a carriage in NYC. Horses do not belong in NYC pulling carriages. The street conditions are also the worst I have seen them and that is also thanks to Mike Bloomberg pushing a reckless tsunami of development on old NY's infrastructure....a human being or a horse could break a leak on New York City Streets. Mike Bloomberg would not allow his daughter's horses to walk the streets of NYC.
Periodic updates about issues and actions concerning New York City's Carriage Horses +
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Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages www.banhdc.orgHorses Without Carriages International
PLEASE FORWARD TO LISTS, FRIENDS & COLLEAGUES ** fire at Chateau stable ** Take action ** Houston accident ** Volunteer
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No horses injured -- sprinkler law required - take action
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To add insult to injury, in February, the Department of Health (DoH) proposed the following changes to Article 161 of the NYC Health Code. . The DoH rescinded the proposal when Intro 35-A was passed. Intro 35-A did not address these issues.
- (6) Fire hazards. Premises shall be kept free of fire hazards. Effective July 1, 2011, all buildings in which stables are located shall be equipped with an operational sprinkler system installed in accordance with §BC903.3.1.1 of the New York City Building Code, or successor provision. (8) Electrical wiring. (A) All electrical appliances shall be plugged directly into properly grounded electrical outlets. (B) Electrical wiring shall be installed and maintained in metal electrical conduits. (C) Extension cords may be used for brief periods of time, not to exceed three (3) hours, and 25 such cords shall be disconnected and removed when the appliances or tools to which they are connected are not being used.
PLEASE CONTACT YOUR COUNCIL MEMBER: Tell them that sprinklers must be required in horse stables, which are highly flammable by nature. Tell them about the fire at Chateau Stables, which could have been much worse. Ask them to support a bill to require sprinklers in all stables. Click Here for the council web site. It is preferred to send a snail mail letter or fax. E-mail is not guaranteed to get through. Also contact MAYOR BLOOMBERG - on line -- or by snail mail at Mayor Michael Bloomberg, City Hall, New York, NY 10007
contact Speaker Quinn and your Council Member
Naomi Campbell jail time for perjury? by Suzannah B. Troy
I wrote in my first posting on this topic that Naomi Campbell dug herself in to a deep hole and a reminder she is not in NYC anymore but apparently the Hague is more than likely to let her walk rather than take responsibility which means business as usual for the super model. Naomi will walk back to the cat walk rather than serve time but FYI after being forced to testify and allegedly perjuring her self she went to an exclusive decadent party in Italy. I would not trade places with her for 10 billion dollars.
According to The New York Post the powers that be trying Charles Taylor for crimes against humanity have bigger fish to fry.
Mia Farrow and Naomi's ex-agent both have testified that Naomi has perjured herself. Charles Taylor's defense attorney's went on the attack trying to discredit Naomi's ex-agent, one of a long list of people that have lived to regret working for Campbell but perjury by a super model doesn't hold a candle to orchestrating mass murder, torture and gang rapes.
Rewind to NYC where Naomi Campbell had to do some community service and an embarrassing photo surfaced of an NYPD officer carrying her bag for her.
If she was a "real person" she could go to jail for perjury but she is "not real" and apparently like endangered animals super models are some how protected and do not go to jail.
Again the global community owes this super model a great debt of thanks for perjuring herself and accepting Blood Diamonds from a ex-dictator, Charles Taylor accused of using Blood Diamonds to fund murderous wars that included rape, torture and mass murder. Poor Naomi pleaded ignorance and let her world audience know that she gets presents like this delivered to her all the time.
She excitedly bragged about getting diamonds from Taylor and also let anyone who would listen know that she was disappointed in the blood diamonds -- dirty -- not by having funded atrocities but for their lack of luster and size.
To read more please go to my original posting. If you are too busy than read this link that will take you to a powerful brilliant report by NPR with interviews that will give you a view in to Charles Taylor's atrocious both in Liberia and Sierra Leone.
You will learn about one ray of light in the NPR interview -- Liberia now has a woman president.
Can someone please explain why Nelson Mandela even invited Taylor, a monstrous dictator to a function of his in the first place? Read my original post to see photographs, video tape and more information on Taylor accused of funding terrorist group Al-Qadea.
Naomi Campbell is living proof ignorance is bliss and super models do not go to jail but what will she do when her beauty fades unlike diamonds, super models have a short shelf life and this latest Naomi bad exposure is not a pretty picture.
Her celebrity has brought attention to an alleged dictator accused of heinous crimes against humanity so well done Naomi even gross stupidity and vanity have their good points when you are super model.