Folks -- Live from NYC, it is me Suzannah B. Troy and I am generally really pissed off.
First here is a link to m
y original posting on Roger Clemens and please advise I rip up this photo or not? Any one who had read my blog postings or my letters -- that is 2 in The New York Post Sports Section on steroids plus one on the Yankee's passionless play where I ask that the Yankees be forced to return their bloated salaries for passionless play and the money be given to homeless shelters, libraries, schools, raises for NYPD, FDNY and teachers, can guess how I feel.
Well there is not much more to say about Clemens so I have to just rant to you about other things NYC that just are pissing me off for lack of a better word choice.
Crain's reports this...
What a load of bull manure. Smoke and mirrors courtesy of king Mike Bloomberg and utter bull unless you are referring to all of Mike Bloomberg's campaign staff and cronies he is hiring. Unemployment is higher than reported...always is and more is too come because those clowns in Albany still have not balanced the budget due April fool's day and it is almost Sept. plus politicians stealing tax payer money + wasteful spending does not help either. Suzannah B. Troy
By the way....has anybody heard any news about Steve Rattner getting banned by the SEC anytime soon. The guy like all politicos inspired this Suzannah B. Troyism: "Denial is the new crack cocaine from Albany to City Hall. If he does get busted I guess he will have to transfer all those billion of dollars he manages for Mike Bloomberg...ehem's charity yet again and what about that bogus vanity book he had written where he is the savior of the auto industry as Car Tzar of The White House....oops he had to step down from the job to spend more time with his family in NYC, yeah right...real reason pension fund scandals splish splashed all the way to The White House....
Also really pissed off at NBC.
Here is the YouTube and you have to go to the text portion to read why....
plus this posting about NBC a media giant harassing Doug Boviano running for State Assembly actually violating his 1st Amendment rights because the lawyers at NBC have issue with 7 seconds of the video tape where an employee's voice and face are heard...tune in...question NBC how low can you go?
FYI, the security guard from NBC says it was his idea and not NBC lawyers but no other media outlet or employee has gone to the trouble that an NBC staff member has. Why is that?
I am pissed off at all the litter bugs. Really NYC find some self esteem and pride and work on eye hand coordination and throw your garbage in the garbage please!!
I am sick of this disgusting heat wave and worse is all the pollution that hangs in the air. Something has to give. Radical actions have to be taken because the pollution is just brutal. I had to run a few short blocks last night and I had burning pain in my throat and upper chest and breathing hard - I use to run marathons, half this post-Sept. 11?
Notify NYC sent me to notes one about cooling center for tomorrow and the second stating the NYS DEC has issued an Air Quality Health Advisory for NYC until 10PM. Why only until 10? It is brutal.
The NYPD wants to police air quality testing but I say we need kits passed out to citizens to test air quality religiously because there is something really wrong. I stood with protestors fighting to keep
Engine 36 aka Skells Angels open and the people of Harlemn said they needed the fire house open because some many young residents of Harlem have asthma so fire fighters are there for them to fight fires but also make medical calls. Mike Bloomberg shuttered this house along with others post 9-11 and
Deputy Goldsmith his new republican anti-gay marriage guy says more closings to come...
Before I get to NYC happy thoughts I have to add one more thing....
no Christine Quinn, Mike Blomberg's mini me for mayor -- she sold us out and if she won it would mean Mike Bloomberg having a 4th term running the city from a golf course if he can't get a job in The White House called President.
Okay, good and happy news...
PAL aka Police Athletic League rocks the house and they sent me a moving newsletter so if you can make a donation please do. I have.
I realized I can stay home with my 2 cats and blog about celebrities all day and make money so there is no reason to go out. I also live with the greatest lover on the planet...and I wanted to do the photo totally nude because it is just too hot and gross out there. Folks I am joking about some of this and I know I have stalker that takes everything I say literally so try and find your funny bone...I am only joking about some of the above...