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Monday, May 31, 2010
Memorial Day New York by Suzannah B. Troy
From downtown NYC to Millerton NY: I am posting a photo of the sculpture I used to sometimes include in long runs downtown around by the WTC; this artwork above somehow survived although damaged from the WTC attacks 9-11. The art work has been moved to Battery Park with an Eternal Flame that burns in front of it. I think of Sept. 11 on Memorial Day.
I am part of a group that feels the rescue workers that ran downtown that day and gave their all literally should be honored with their rank and department. It was the largest loss of rescue workers in our City, State and Nation’s history and many were also highly decorated serving in the military and within their dept. Here is my letter in The Wall Street Journal "Betrayal at Ground Zero". The betrayal has grown exponentially. I think of a fireman that wasn’t my lover but made me feel loved and clearly admired by passion and intensity who died downtown that day and he was highly decorated by the FDNY and also a Viet Nam Vet who remembered how they were treated on their return home.
I was in Millertown, New York today and there there was an American flag every few feet, a parade and a somber speech given by a soldier who served in Iraq. He made reference to Sept. 11 and it was very serious, not a day about shopping, sales or barbecues but about serving your Country and also it is hard not to think of all those now and in the past lost. It is all heart breaking the loss of life, military, civilians and truly it is a somber day and a day of respect.
I also think of my Dad who served in World War 2. He understands fully the seriousness of this day. If he had not survived World War 2, clearly I would not be here writing to you now and I also know how lucky I am that he is alive today. (One day I have quite a story to tell you about that in regards to my life and almost losing my Dad just before I sold my home under the most sick and disturbing of circumstances.) Today is a day to thank your blessings if you are loved ones are here and mourn the many who have died in the line of duty...mourn them and prayers for all their loved ones as well and of course those injured as well.
The above Memorial is for the Korean War and at the exact time that peace was obtained the sun shines thru the art work as a sun dial honoring Peace. I find this one of the most moving unique memorials because the missing space -- the artist term "negative space" -- the solder is missing and that empty space goes on for eternity....it is not definable. When the Parks Dept. mistakingly planted trees that would obscure the sun dial aspect of the Memorial I wrote them and I received a letter back telling me that I and a bunch of Korean War Vets had written and the trees were removed. Rest in Peace...truly courageous souls and all that loved them...
Dennis Hopper dies family battles Hollywood News -- Suzannah B. Troy
He is most famous for Easy Rider and Blue Velvet. I happen to have a large soft covered book of his photos as well as a poster from an art show of his in Soho from a long time ago. They had plastered the posters all over the downtown area and I was able to take one home and frame it. I had the Dennis Hopper poster by my bed of a biker couple huddled closely together in a diner. When I moved under the most disturbing and awful of circumstances of which I still have not recovered, I sold or gave away most of my book collection but for some reason I did keep his book. “Dennis Hopper Fotografien von 1961 bis 1967”. I have the poster some where along with my own art work that I have yet to unpack. I see NYC as losing it’s soul along with it’s historic buildings, small businesses and mass displacement of people either shifted or completely moved out of NYC....so why bother unpacking. That is life under a developer’s mayor, Mike Bloomberg.
Clearly I liked Dennis Hopper’s photographs of the art scene and counter culture era very much in sync with his Easy Rider fame. Supposedly Hopper resisted Jack Nicholson and wanted Rip Torn for the film but Nicholson in true form shined and greatly contributed to the film and of course there was Peter Fonda.
What many people may not know is Jack Nicholson had done a biker film “Hell on Wheels” with the Hell’s Angels and Sonny Barger was hired as a consultant, made 2 years before Easy Rider. Some how I have a feeling Jack Nicholson spending some time with the Angels had a big influence on “Easy Rider” which is globally iconic still.
I can’t help but think the infamous Hell’s Angels deeply influenced Hollywood and infact still do considering how many TV and films seem to “borrow heavily” and Jesse James has a YouTube stating the Hell’s Angels greatly influenced him. Sonny Barger is reported to be in talks with Tony Scott to make a Hell’s Angel film about his life and Mickey Rourke is being considered for the role of Barger. Even Harley Davidson acknowledges the mystique of the Hell's Angels driving their sales. The infamous Angels were known to “acquire” motorcycles one way or another and make-them over, which drove the creativity and beauty that is now called motorcycle art. You can see the Hells Angels motorcycle creative influence coming threw in Easy Rider as well in the multi-million dollar success of bike builder Jesse James and James openly admits it. By the way, I am anti-Nazi but even in Dennis Hopper’s photos of bikers from the 1960’s you see Nazi imagery which is upsetting but it seemed that bikers and surfers of that era adopted the symbols and memorabilia perhaps as shock value.
(Side note: I keep talking to you about my short story, “Chopping the Street, one mega-million dollars, at a time". It is about a woman that takes over an infamous international biker club and transforms them into a financial service firm on wheels. I wrote it in 2003 and it is about White Collar Crime above the radar costing the tax payers billions whether they are caught, successfully or not prosecuted.)
I remember finding Hopper startling in Blue Velvet. He continued to have success and his voice will be heard as a wolf called Tony in an animated film, “Alpha and Omega”, yet to be released.
He was clearly a troubled person and was married 5 times. The latest marriage clearly with someone to young for him ended with him trying to divorce her on his death bed and he was unsuccessful. It became a struggle over what she would inherit and what he felt she was actually entitled to. They have a young daughter who must be very sad and perhaps this animated cartoon will be some small solace for her.
Hopper has three adult children from previous marriages and his oldest daughter is 5 years older then his widow he was desperately trying to divorce from his death bed.
A lot of older men want a younger trophy wife and perhaps this is a cautionary tale.
In The New York Post, a reporter asks Hopper’s son Henry how he is doing. The son handed the reporter a white rose. He than gave him the finger and said this is how I am doing. No DNA testing to know Henry is truly Dennis Hopper’s son.
Note: I am deeply focused on corruption and the economic catastrophe here in New York and have been posting blog pieces on this subject on my central blog www.suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com. I am also horrified at the on going environmental catastrophe now washing up on New Orleans. This oil spill is killing sea life which is a travesty that may be beyond comprehension for most people and will have long range damage to Mother Earth beyond what is understandable right now. The oil spill has killed untold sea life and is devastating to all life on this planet in ways we don’t understand yet. It is hard to write about celebrity news with these concerns.
Tila Tequila in row with Zennie62's Nikki Raney
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Nikki Raney has advice for Tila |
Nikki Raney is a star blogger and journalist at Zennie62.com. But before we look more into that and her row with Tila Tequila, some background on Tila Tequila from this space' perspective.
In the middle of accusing San Diego Chargers Linebacker Shawne Merriman of assault, when he was just trying to stop her from driving drunk, this space revealed what Tila said about herself:
"i like people who are really fucked up...I am very high strung and suffer from multiple personalities...I do a lot of things that are self destructive. I try not to...I am also bi-polar so that should explain my irratic postings."
Here's the video on the entire incident between Merriman and Tila Tequila: