New York is arguably the best city in the world. Just ask any native New Yorker, and they will agree. Of course we have our problems. What city doesn't? Is there such a thing as urban perfection? I doubt it.
And, like most native New Yorkers, I have some favorite places. My list is quite lengthy, so I will limit myself to a few summer time highlights. One of the greatest urban restoration projects is the South Street Seaport. Once a bustling wholesale fish market, it had fallen into blight and disrepair in the 60's and 70's. It was also allegedly a hotbed of organized crime activity. In the early 1980's it was renovated and transformed into what we see today. While it may be a bit "touristy" for some natives, it is a piece of old New York history that has been well preserved.
From pier 17, the views of Brooklyn and the world famous Brooklyn Bridge are spectacular. Ask a foreign visitor what they know about New York and they'll tell you "the Statue of Liberty and The Brooklyn Bridge". Completed in 1883, it is an architectural masterpiece. The Brooklyn Bridge is without peer, anywhere in the world. Take the time to walk across from Brooklyn to Manhattan and you'll get the full experience.
And lastly, what would New York be without one of my personal favorites, Yankee Stadium? I know the purists will decry tearing down The House That Ruth Built in favor of the one that George built, but you have to see it to believe it. Being a fan for my whole life, I had mixed emotions about the transformation and I still do miss the old ballpark. But, I must admit that the new Yankee Stadium (thankfully they did not sell the naming rights), has done much to retain a lot of the old stadium feeling while providing an upgraded fan experience. In my opinion, the only downside is that a family of four will be required to pay a king's ransom for an outing to the ballpark. I would recommend buying your tickets on Stub Hub as I have gotten good seats for as little as 15 bucks! You can be part of NYC history as the Yanks pursue their 28th World Series Championship! GO NYC!

Dear Blog Readers: Marc contacted me to discuss my comments on The New York Post. He is so optimistic I decided to post his positivity on my blogs when I get the chance to. Been hectic...but I have to add these comments.... See the Seaport photo- notice how Bloomberg has found ways to put advertisements every where except the Statute of Liberty? See the Coors Lights structure? Yet in contrast he wants vendors swept off the streets.
Re: The Yanks -- I can't belieeeeeve Mike Bloomberg made Babe Ruth's ghost homeless!!!!
Thanks for the cheer Marc! We need it because next year we are going to have an economic crisis like a huge terror attack so thanks for any all good cheer!
p.s. Dear Blog Readers: Been extra hectic. As soon as I get time you are getting the NYC round-up with my thoughts on Paterson getting off when he should be going to jail, Rangel and off course Mike Bloomberg....I have fun NYC events coming including cool museum visits as well. Stay tune...